Now that Rolls Royce embrace the SUV market, does it mean that we will see the THE most luxurious SUV on t he market? You better believe it. The new project (announced last month here) has the code name Cullinan which is the diamond that was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and is now mounted on the Queen’s sceptre as part of the Crown Jewels. When you give you project a working title like that you can be sure the end result will be nothing short of stunning.
Rolls Royce have made it quite clear early on that the decision to venture into this area is “because many of our discerning customers have urged us to develop this car”. And lets be honest, when you are paying at least £250,000GBP for a car, there is every chance that just about anything you say to your supplier of said vehicle will be listened to. However this is a very refreshing approach from Rolls Royce.
In terms of what to expect is anyone’s guess and there is sure be a constant trickle of teasers. But with a potential price tag of up to half a million pounds it will likely to be a THE most luxurious SUV as you would expect from RR.The interior styling will be exquisite, as will the on board experience.